Wednesday, June 30, 2010


It was actually cool this morning shortly after 5:30 when we all went out to park. We are all doing better at locating the things that need to be picked up with less coaching from instructors.

I did grooming after park and cleaned up for breakfast. I did obedience in the main lobby today to have the distractions of people coming and going. Trinity and I went at 7:45 with the trainer into town and we worked alone with him. . We left the down town lounge and walked to the court house where we had two opportunities to work through metal detectors and negotiate narrow halls with lots of people and several sets of stairs. We then went to check out the life size statue of Morris Frank and his German shepherd Seeing Eye dog. It is so very life like that the police are sometimes called to rescue the blind man and his dog. For additional information about Morris Frank, Google him. In short, he was instrumental in founding this school and in leading the way for all future guide dog teams in this country.

The trainer and I stopped at a coffee place and had a chance to visit before returning to the lounge.

Upon our return to campus, we went again to park before having instructions in teeth cleaning, ear cleaning, and giving pills, liquid medication, and topical flea control.

After lunch, I went with the 2:00 shuttle to town. Here my partner and I did our practice Elm Street Loop walk. There were at least three staged dog distractions, another traffic check, and our fifth encounter with a barricade. My partner and I could discuss the details of the route together as we went along. One team leads from a corner and throughout the block, the dog in the rear may find safe passage to take the lead. This is acceptable. At the next corner, the other team member begins the block.

I feel that this dog is easy to work, but I need to be on her better with dog distractions. She is responsive to voice commands, but I still need to use the leash as well for certain kinds of distractions. She has been very good with traffic checks. She was walking faster today in the cooler weather, and I am glad for this.

It was nearly park time again when we returned and then it was dinner. We had a lecture this evening given by the vet. Then there was the last park of the day.

Since we have had our dogs, we have been teaching them the “Go to your place.” Command by taking them there with the command each time we return to our rooms. Later we would take them there with the command and stand with them there on leash when the trainer prearranged to come and knock. This afternoon, we had them off leash in the room with a bell on their collar. When the food pans were brought, we told them to go to their place and “Rest” (our term for ‘stay’) and if they moved from their place as the door was opened, the door went closed again. Trinity needed one door closing to learn to stay put. “Good Girl!”

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