Monday, June 21, 2010


She is a three in one dog—wags, wiggles, and licks. We will learn her age and weight later, but for today, she is a bundle of energy, very affectionate and very responsive. She is almost white with her ears and back and tip of her tail being light gold.

Our afternoon was taken with waiting to be called out one by one to meet our new partners. We each went back to our rooms and started the bonding process. Whereas my three first dogs had eyes only for the door of the room and ears for the beloved trainer, Sydney and this one busied themselves getting to know the new person at the other end of the leash. That is not to say that she ignores her trainer when she sees him. Nothing of the kind, she tries to get to him, but this is totally normal at this stage.

After all dogs were distributed to their new people, we were taken out to the leisure path, one by one with our trainers for our first work in harness. It is a half mile walk. Trinity was eager to go. Her pace is very different from Sydney. It was very hot and humid but a good walk for our first time together.

There was another short meeting about feeding and relieving routines and then they brought food pans around to our rooms. The dogs ate and we took them out to park. Trinity in true lab fashion wasted no time in polishing her dish.

There was then dinner for us and then we went down in two groups to the grooming room. The dogs are really shedding due in part to the baths each had this morning.

The last water and park time each night is 8:00. There, Trinity showed us her stuff. That is how I spell relief. 5:30 comes very early tomorrow.


  1. Hi Joleen,

    Byron and I are so very excited about your new partner, a white lab full of energy and spirit. You two will make a fine pair. Please continue to blog and keep us posted day by day as we will be checking in daily as to your work with Trinity. What a fabulous name! Joleen and Trinity, a new working duo. I am sure that Sydney would approve.

    Take care,
    Holly and Byron Kaczmarski

  2. Trinity sounds like a great little labby. Can't wait to hear more.
